The Turn of the Year in Jægersborg Hegn


There is an abundance of white anemones in Jægersborg Hegn and they usually start to blossom in late March. The grass snakes venture out to bask in the first, warm sunrays of spring.

By the mid-April, the birches in Bøllemosen come into leaf. The beeches follow in late April, early May.

During May, the deer have their fawns and the oaks come into leaf.



In Bøllemosen, the hare’s tail grass blossoms from June until the end of August.

The breeding season of the roe deer starts in July. It is a rather quiet affair and not as obvious as when the red deer show themselves off in Dyrehaven with lots bellowing and fighting during their breeding season later in the year.



The leaves of the deciduous forest change colour to red, yellow and orange. Eventually, they fall, and silence ensues. Mice and squirrels are busy gathering supplies. You are permitted to pick and gather nuts for your own consumption.

It is mushroom time and, in Jægersborg Hegn, you can find, amongst others, chanterelles, horns of plenty, two-toned wood-tufts, oyster mushrooms and beefsteak fungus. In Bøllemosen, it is still cranberry season. You should not eat too many of the berries found in Bøllemosen as you may get dizzy and develop a headache. In the past, the effect of bog whortleberries was described as slightly euphoriant.



December, January and February are quiet months in the woods. If snow has fallen, you can easily find animal tracks.

February, is the breeding season of foxes and you can hear their hoarse screams at night. The woodpeckers start to peck at the trees to mark their territories.