The project started 2013 and is finished in 2019.
The total budget is 2,657,560 € with 50% financed by the EU’s LIFE+ Nature Fond.
The Danish Natureagency, Frederikshavn Municipality and Kragskovhede Prison have worked together to carry out a nature restoration project in the unique beach ridge plain around Råbjerg Mose.
The goal of the project was to secure and improve the conditions for a wide range of wet and light demanding nature types, and to secure the foundation for a future management of these areas for the benefit of nature and the local community.
In the more than 4000-hectare large area, there are more than 500 private landowners, and it has been voluntary to participate. Without the good will and cooperation with the landowners the project would not have reached such good results.
The project has worked with:
- Establishment of network concerning cattle and grazing.
- Purchase of 30 Galloway cattle on loan for grazing nature areas.
- Clearing of 860 ha for overgrowth with trees and shrub and non native coniferous species.
- Combatting Prunus serotia and Fallopia japonica.
- Establishing new fences on 354 ha and improving grazing and mowing on 195 ha.
- Controlled burning/moving of heather on 189 ha.
- Culling of mink in cooperation with volunteer hunters.
- Establish more natural hydrology on app. 580 ha.
- Establishment and maintenance of a project webpage.
- Publishing of newsletters on the project.
- Spreading knowledge on Corncrake and Marsh Fritillary friendly management.
- Establishment of information boards.
- Publishing of leaflet on the project in Danish and English
- Guided tours in the project area.
- Holding final seminar and participating in networking activities nationally and internationally.
The most important direct results for nature
- 117 hectares new habitat nature.
- Suitable breeding and foraging areas for Wood sandpiper and Short-eared owl.
- A strong population of Marsh Fritillary with dispersal and new suitable habitats.
- Increase in Sphagnum cover in central parts of Råbjerg Mose from an average of 23% to an average of 61%.
More information and reports
On the danish webpage under “dokument arkiv” you can find more information in english - a layman’s report, a report on combatting invasive alien species, the technical final report and the grant agreement.
Targeted species
Corncrake | Crex crex |
Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola |
Short-eared Owl | Asio flammeus |
Marsh Fritillary | Euphydryas aurinia |
Targeted habitats
# |
| Areas (ha) | enlargement |
2130* | Grey dunes | 99 | 1 |
2140* | Dunes with Empetrum nigrum | 76 | 1 |
2190 | Dune slacks | 14 | improved |
4010 | Wet heaths | 191 | 5 |
4030 | Dry heaths. | 489 | 10 |
6230* | Species-rich poor grassland | 28 | 1 |
6410 | Molinia meadows | 328 | 5 |
7110* | Active raised bog | 2.3 | 50 |
7140 | Quaking bogs | 131 |
7230 | Alkaline fens | 14 | 5 |
91D0* | Bog woodland | 30 | 10 |
For detailed information, please refer to the Grant Agreement.