Practical Information - Himmelbjerget og Slåensø

Find your way

By car

When going to Himmelbjerget by car, the easiest way to get there is to follow the signs from Silkeborg towards the south to Rodelund and from here to Ry or from the main road between Aarhus and Silkeborg.

Shuttle boat

An easy and nice alternative during the summer (and the autumn break) is to catch a shuttle boat from Silkeborg or Ry. This is the classical way to visit the area and from Julsø and the base of Himmelbjerget, there is an approximately 1.2-km trail that winds its way to the top of the hill. The most romantic way is to go on Hjejlen, which is the world's oldest, original paddle steamer with a unique history. The paddle steamer was built by B&W in Copenhagen back in 1861 on the initiative of a few prominent Silkeborg people lead by the owner of the paper mill, Michael Drewsen.

Read more at (in Danish)

Public transport

Bus No 311 departs from Ry and Silkeborg to Himmelbjerget and stops at car park P1.

Plan your trip on (in Danish)

Practical info and activities